Visual Crave Photography

The concept came from wanting to showcase the essence of human passion, bodies, and moods—which come in various forms. To capture that, is to capture edges, flow, and energy. Visual Crave is more than just about pretty pictures. My mission is to "empower, unite, and tell human stories through the works of thought-provoking photography".

Brand positioning

When I set out to rebrand my photography business, I wanted to think of ways to do more than just family photography (although I still really love those sessions) I felt like I wanted to create ways to uplift minority groups, empower women, create a sense of community, and provide beautiful ways to tell the stories of local small businesses. During the last few months of quarantine, social movements, and me going through many personal changes—the ideas just kept flowing—and what came out, was a passion project that I feel incredibly proud of.

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