Santa Cruz
Wine Passport App

Passport Celebration Days to the Santa Cruz Mountains is a wonderful event, but there is just one problem—they still go by the good'ol booklet. Currently, there is only one app available for the general passport event, which includes many different regions. The app is pretty heavy with information, doesn't feel as intuitive and the UI is a bit unappealing. So I decided to make an app specifically for Santa Cruz Mountains—focussing on ease of usability, as well as visual refinement.

The Challenges

The booklet is very limited and hard to follow.  There is a map that’s not accurate—a lot of buried important information (such as dates of passport weekends). There is no true, and user friendly ability to make notes on the winery experience as well as mark your favorite wines. The navigation is... well, flipping through the pages till you find what you need—can be quite a daunting task. One can't mark off the wineries they already visited, and see the remaining wineries to visit at a quick glance. There isn't a way to track your membership if you sign up for different winery memberships. And lastly, it’s easy to forget the booklet whereas the phone is pretty much attached to us.





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